Fibre Tablets
Artikelnr: 850
Incorporating sufficient fiber into your diet is a simple yet effective way to enhance overall wellness. NeoLife Fibre Tablets are an ideal source of fibre, containing a variety of both soluble and insoluble fibre for maximum benefit and efficiency. It contain a blend of fruit, vegetable and grain fibres, and represent a valuable source of fibre in the daily diet. Fibre Tablets also contribute to a pleasant feeling of fullness when taken with a glass of water before a meal.
- Each serving of 4 tablets provides 2 grams of dietary fibre.
- Easy-to-swallow tablets, to be taken with a full glass of water.
- Take your tablets before a meal for a pleasant feeling of fullness.
- Contain no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
- Sodium free
Always drink plenty of water when taking NeoLife Fibre Tablets.
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