Magnesium Complex
Artikelnr: 805
Magnesium plays an important role in normal body functions and is a major mineral essential for over 700 biochemical reactions in the body. NeoLife Magnesium Complex provides 300 mg of magnesium per two tablet serving.
Magnesium contributes to normal muscle and nervous system function and to normal protein synthesis. It contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism and to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium is also essential for its contribution to the maintenance of normal bones, along with calcium and vitamin D.
NeoLife Tri-Mag Blend provides 300 mg of magnesium per two tablet serving from three main sources:
Double amino acid chelated magnesium bound to glycine, Tri-magnesium citrate and Magnesium oxide.
NeoLife PhytoMag Blend is a proprietary blend of whole food Beet, Kale, Broccoli and Radish, foods that provide phytonutrient benefits and are natural sources of magnesium.
100% Vegan
Made entirely without animal sourced ingredients of any kind, Magnesium Complex fulfills the strict sourcing criteria expected by vegetarian / vegan supplement users.
Using a technology to promote fast dissolution and maximum absorption.
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